March 10, 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

WCS is closely following developments on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and considering the impact upon certification activities.

As the situation is developing, WCS is following guidance from the UK Government. See site below.

Guidance for employers and business

This above is regularly updated.

WCS operates worldwide so we are also continuously monitoring developments in other countries and respecting travel restrictions.

WCS continues to provide certification services and staff and auditors are being asked to take the recommended precautions to minimise risk.

However, where clients are located in areas affected by COVID-19, WCS will contact you in advance of your upcoming audits to discuss and identify any issues that could impact on the audit. We will complete an evaluation / assessment and based on this information WCS will either complete the audit as scheduled or develop an alternative plan of action.

WCS has developed contingency plans to protect auditors, clients and interested parties and this will hopefully ensure that clients are able to maintain certification through this difficult period.

Alternative plans could mean WCS undertaking a combination of sites audits, remote audits, online audits, telephone audits but also WCS may need to postpone audits. WCS has to follow Accreditation requirements and guidance but we will attempt to maintain your certification if allowed within your certification scheme. WCS is monitoring your audit required by dates and certificate expiry dates and has procedures in place to manage these.

ALL CLIENTS – If you become aware of any issue that may impact on your scheduled audit, please contact WCS as soon as possible to discuss.

If you require further information please do not hesitate to contact WCS.

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I am so thrilled to receive these certificates, I can’t tell you how much! Liz was a fantastic auditor and I really look forward to her surveillance audit to showcase our continued commitment and improvements. Stay safe yourself and many thanks.

Haywood & Jackson

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