March 10, 2022

UKAS CertCheck

UKAS CertCheck

Over the last couple of years UKAS has been developing an online database of accredited certification. This database will provide a free to use resource for anybody to validate a claim of UKAS accredited certification.

The use of the system is mandatory and a contractual requirement.

All WCS certified clients holding a UKAS Accredited certificate will be included on this database.

What are the Timescales?

UKAS is implementing a staggered approach to the system:

1. 31st March 2022 – All UKAS Accredited Certification Bodies have signed the contract for use.
2. 15th April 2022 – All CBs to have activated their UKAS CertCheck account and initiated their data upload
3. 29th April 2022 – All CBs to have uploaded their data to UKAS CertCheck
4. 3rd May 2022 – UKAS CertCheck goes live to the public
5. 16th May 2022 – Public Announcement of UKAS CertCheck Launch

What are the principal functions of CertCheck?

– To provision a centralised service that gives further confidence to people who rely upon the assurance provided by UKAS accredited certification.
– To assist in the combatting of fraudulent claims of UKAS accredited certification or organisations who attempt to portray non-accredited certification as holding the same value as accredited certification.

How will CertCheck work?

CertCheck is a verification database and works by allowing users to verify that a claim of holding UKAS accredited certification is valid. This is done by searching on for the certificate number or registered trading name of the certified organisation. This will result in the details of the certification held being displayed; including the scope of certification, date issued, locations covered and the awarding Certification Body.

What is required from WCS?

It is a contractual requirement that WCS certificates with UKAS accreditation are included in the database.

WCS will be required to upload all certificate data and refresh the data at set times. All suspension and withdrawals will be updated within set timescales.

Is the CertCheck database secure?

The following key measures are in place to ensure data security and integrity of the CertCheck database:

– The CertCheck system will be fully hosted and backed up on servers based within the UK and will use a variety of physical and technological security measures to prevent unauthorised access to or misuse of the data.

– It will not be possible for anyone to generate or extract lists of certified organisations from CertCheck and; as the system will contain no contact details of certified organisations, it cannot be used to support any mass marketing or communications.

Whilst this touches upon some key factors related to data security, more information on this can be found in the UKAS Security Statement, which is available on request.

More Information.

Please review the downloads section for UKAS publications, contact WCS or visit the UKAS website.

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A big thank you must go to WCS and its staff for helping us achieve our goal of becoming ISO certified. The help we have received from the outset together with the knowledge and professionalism shown during both stages of the process have been first class.

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