ISO 22301

Business Continuity Management - Protect your business, revenue and reputation from disruption.

What is ISO 22301?

ISO 22301 is the international standard for business continuity management. The standard is designed to protect a business from potential disruption. This disruption can be from IT failure, staff illness, weather and theft etc.

An ISO 22301 management system means you identify threats that are relevant to a business and its critical business functions. A business will implement plans to address these threats.

Why should my organisation implement ISO 22301?

Implementing a management system that meets the requirements of ISO 22301 means a number of benefits to an organisation. These include:

  • Improved speed of recover from incidents and disruptions
  • Improve business resilience
  • Potential increase in revenue
  • Opens up potential new markets
  • Improve reputation
  • Operational improvements

Why choose World Certification Services?

World Certification Services offers independent value-added assessment and registration to ISO 223001 thanks to trained and experienced Lead Auditors with the ability to undertake their work impartially and in a friendly manner.

What will is cost?

World Certification Services has always offered affordable certification. We are competitive and take a sensible approach when quoting certification fees, particularly for small and medium size businesses where the cost of certification is sometimes prohibitive. If you would like to receive a quote detailing the costs involved for a three year period of certification please click submit a request for quote today.

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